AFL - ALOA Fundamentals of Locksmithing Feb 17-21

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SAFETECH 2025 Convention & Trade Show

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IAAL 25 Auto Lock Expo

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ALOA Mobile Tech App

Have you downloaded the ALOA Tech Link app yet? Get access to hundreds of technical articles from Keynotes dating back to 2010, right at your fingertips. On the app, you can browse articles by category, keyword, author or title.

Download the app for free by going to on your phone's or tablet's Internet browser. To log in, use your email address that is registered with ALOA as your username, and use your ALOA member number as your password. Then, follow the pop-up directions on the screen to save the app to your mobile homescreen. Have questions? Email

ALOA's Membership Home Page


ALOA understands that your time and money are valuable so you want to know that the money you spend with us will benefit you. When you join ALOA, rest assured that we will work hard to provide you with as many member benefits as possible. From free bonding, to member discounts, ALOA has you covered.

When you are ready to join, click below on Become A Member to start the application process. If you prefer, you can call us toll free at 1-800-532-2562.

To read up on what ALOA has to offer you, click the links on the left.

In order to pay your dues, click on the Member Log In button to log in. After logging in, you will see a button to Pay Dues/Invoices.

In the News

Just call 800-532-2562. The ALOA staff is always ready to help you, whatever your question may be.

In addition to offering a full range of services, programs, products and money-saving opportunities to meet your needs, our number one goal is to help assure continuous growth and development for you and your business.

"Keynotes" the official publication of ALOA, brings you the industry news you need to aggressively face the challenges of business in the security industry. You get technical information, management insights, educational resources, calendar of events in the industry, legislative reports and other association news. "Keynotes" helps you stay on the cutting edge of business and security technology.

You will most effectively gain that competitive edge when you participate in the Proficiency Program (PRP) implemented and maintained by the Association. The PRP is the international standard for professional certification in the field of premises security. International promotion of ALOA certified professionals provides recognition of their outstanding skills, training, experience and leadership within the industry.

Your free listing at identifies you as a qualified and responsible industry professional.

ALOA takes an active role in helping to interpret proposed or enacted laws and regulations which affect you. ALOA stands as a single voice for thousands and moves quickly to provide legislative advisories. ALOA monitors legislation for the benefit of locksmiths and is active in national lobbying on your behalf.

When you recruit five new members for ALOA through the Member-Get-A-Member Program, you not only gain entrance into a highly regarded, highly respected institution, you also help strengthen the association, which, in turn, helps strengthen your business, your future, yourself.

ALOA members receive special discounts on services/travel, education, supplies, the ALOA Convention and Security Expo and more. ALOA works to improve your "bottom line" in every way.

ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP (Requires background check.) Persons actively engaged in the locksmith/access control industry for a minimum of two years and have achieved one of ALOA’s recognized program designations, and can provide at least two of the following items:

  1. Sponsored by an Active ALOA member or a local locksmith association;
  2. Character reference from two locksmith/access control industry related sources;
  3. Proof of employment in the locksmith/access control industry.

PROBATIONARY MEMBERSHIP (Requires background check.) Persons undergoing training to qualify as an Active member who have not earned one of ALOA’s recognized program designations. No person shall be a Probationary member for more than three years.

ALLIED MEMBERSHIP Persons who have a position in the locksmith/access control industry that relates to locksmiths, meets requirements 1 and 3 of Active Membership and cannot qualify for any other class of membership.

COMPANY MEMBERSHIP (Requires background check.) Companies actively involved in the locksmith/access control industry, employing more than one employee, may elect to pay dues as a company member (company will “own” membership) which provides limited benefits to multiple employees for a reduction in overall membership dues for the company.

This benefit is available to Active members in the United States and Canada after completing a 90-day waiting period. New Active members will be mailed a bond application in their new member packet, which is mailed after the 90-day waiting period.

ALOA Bond Statement

The Associated Locksmiths of America, Inc. has established a fund which will pay a sum of money up to but not to exceed $15,000 to cover losses to customers of ALOA members arising from criminal convictions against members who participate in the bond program for any loss of property, articles, merchandise, or money incurred through the use of the member’s technical skill or knowledge for criminal purposes. For example, making and using a duplicate key for criminal purposes.

Payment is available if a participating member is found guilty of a crime causing a loss as described above by any court of law in the United States or Canada only. All claims will be based on court findings only.

Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, ALOA’s obligation with respect to losses arising from the action of a member is limited to a maximum of $15,000 each calendar year for each bonded member.

The Bond shall remain in force as long as the locksmith is a qualified member in good standing of the Associated Locksmiths of America, has complied with all requirements of the bond program, and until the maximum payment has been made.

The competitive edge - every business needs it. You and your business are marketed to your geographic service area on the World Wide Web. Consumers who need services in your area can find you literally from anywhere in the world through our public site: (an opt-in service). As an ALOA member you benefit from the availability of management tools and advisories designed to give you that edge. All participating members get these valuable tools and ongoing periodic updates and reports to sharpen their business and marketing skills.

Association members receive ALOA products and services through a growing network of chapters. With chapters worldwide, ALOA members can grow personally and professionally through local involvement.

ALOA Mission Statement

The mission of ALOA, as dedicated members of the locksmith/security industry, is to ensure professional excellence and ethics; create a public demand for professional locksmith services; represent and speak for the locksmith/security industry; and expand the exchange of trade information and knowledge with other related organizations to preserve and enhance the industry.

ALOA Partners

ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc. - Copyright © 2025 - The Semarca Corporation