Membership Application

* Required Fields

Mailing Address

Additional Address


ALOA occasionally makes its members’ addresses (excluding phone numbers and email addresses) available to vendors who provide products and services to the industry. If you prefer not to be included in these lists, please check No? Yes No

Additional Information

Yes No
If no, citizen of what country

Professional Information

Please check the description that best describes you (check all that apply)

Trade Related Personal Character References (enter 2)

Reference #1

Reference #2

Sponsor Information

Previous Employment


All convictions are reported to the Advisory Committee for review.

A routine background check is performed on all new applicants, unless you live in a State in which passing a background check is a part of the licensing requirements. Non-US citizen background checks are required. If you live in a country that does not allow third party background checks, you will be required to submit an authentic report upon request (no copies/duplicates allowed) before final membership approval can be granted. A copy of your business permit/license, license number, business card, company letterhead or suitable proof of employment in the locksmith/access control business must be emailed to

Types of Membership and Requirements


Check only one box from the categories listed below:
Do not join ALOA

Active Membership

Persons who have been actively engaged in the locksmith/security industry for a minimum of two (2) years and can provide the following: (a) character reference from two (2) locksmith/security industry-related sources; (b) character reference from local locksmith association or locksmith supplier; and (c) proof of employment in the locksmith/security industry.

US and US Territories - $285.00 International - $295.00
US and US Territories Go Green - $240.00 International Go Green - $210.00

Probationary Membership

Persons who have not been actively engaged in the locksmith/security industry for a minimum of two (2) years and cannot provide the following: (a) character reference from two (2) locksmith/security industry-related sources; (b) character reference from local locksmith association or locksmith supplier; and (c) proof of employment in the locksmith/security industry. No person shall be a Probationary member for more than three (3) years.

US and US Territories - $280.00 International - $290.00
US and US Territories Go Green - $240.00 International Go Green - $210.00

Probationary Membership – No Sponsorship Required

Persons undergoing training that are new to the industry and do not know any Active member for sponsorship. Probationary period extended from 90 days to one (1) year. Probationary status lifted if sponsor acquired within year. Must obtain license if residing in State requiring licensure. A second background check will be performed by ALOA after 2 years of the 3 year maximum term. Any violation of ALOA Code of Ethics during probationary period will result in immediate termination of membership.

US and US Territories - $280.00 International - $290.00
US and US Territories Go Green - $240.00 International Go Green - $210.00

Allied Membership

Persons whose position in the locksmith/access control industry relates to locksmiths, and cannot qualify for any other class of membership.

US and US Territories - $280.00 International - $290.00
US and US Territories Go Green - $240.00 International Go Green - $210.00

Apprentice Membership

Persons actively engaged in or recently graduated from an ALOA recognized training facility for the purpose of learning the locksmith/access control industry. Must provide a copy of Certificate of Completion or proof of training if still engaged in training. There is no sponsorship required for Apprentice Membership. Applicants will go through a background check. Apprentice Membership is good for 2 years at which time membership must be converted to Active Membership or terminated.

US and US Territories - $105.00


ALOA Institutional Locksmiths Membership

Do not join AIL
Annual Dues - $285.00 Annual Dues Go Green - $240.00
AIL Only Annual Dues - $90.00
AIL Add-on (Must be an active ALOA Member) - $55.00


International Association of Investigative Locksmiths Membership

Must be an ALOA Member in order to join the IAIL.

Do not join IAIL
$65.00 - US and US Territories


International Association of Automotive Locksmiths Membership

Do not join IAAL
Check only one box from the categories listed below:

Active Membership

Persons actively involved in the Automotive Locksmith industry for a minimum of 2 years and having verifiable business relations in good standing with an Industry recognized supplier of Automotive Locksmith supplies and tools and having achieved the ALOA recognized Certified Automotive Locksmith (CAL) credential.

US and US Territories - $280.00 International - $290.00
US and US Territories Go Green - $240.00 International Go Green - $210.00
IAAL Add-on (Must be an active ALOA Member) - $50.00

Probationary Membership

Persons undergoing training to qualify as an Active member, who have not received one of ALOA’s recognized program designations.No person shall be a probationary member for more than three years.

Probationary - $280.00 International Proationary - $290.00
Probationary Go Green - $240.00 International Proationary Go Green - $210.00

Allied Membership

Persons whose position in the locksmith/access control industry relates to locksmiths, and cannot qualify for any other class of membership.

Allied - $280.00 International Allied - $290.00
Allied Go Green - $240.00 International Allied Go Green - $210.00

Add-on Membership

IAAL Add-on (Must be an active ALOA Member) - $50.00


Do not join SAVTA
Check only one box from the categories listed below:

Active Membership

Persons actively engaged in the locksmith, safe & vault or security industries.

US and US Territories - $250.00 Canada - $270.00 International - $320.00

Application Fees

An application fee and the appropriate dues must accompany the application in order for processing to begin. The dues amount for residents of the US and US Territories include a $30 Legislative Assessment Fee ($280 Dues and $30 Legislative Assessment Fee = $310). Application Fees Schedule:

Applicants from countries not listed must submit background check and report from local Law Enforcement with application.

Note: Your application will be processed with a 90 day waiting period.
Any institutional locksmith not using his/her work address must submit a letter from employer stating that you are an institutional locksmith.

I understand and consent that in the course of reviewing this application ALOA may review publically available information for the purpose of verifying the information submitted and do a background check.
I certify that all statements are true and, if accepted as a member, I agree to abide by the rules, regulations, and Bylaws of ALOA, and further agree to adopt the Code of Ethics of ALOA as my own, and adhere to it to the best of my ability. Should my membership be discontinued, I agree to return my membership card and cease use of all ALOA insignia.

Signature (typing in your full legal name constitues a signature)

Dues, Contributions, Gifts are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Dues payments are deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. However, please note that the Legislative Assessment Fee and donations made to the Legislative Action Network ARE NOT deductible as a charitable gift or business expense.

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State of Texas PSB Lic# Y28646701

ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc.
1408 N. Riverfront Blvd.
Ste. 303
Dallas, TX 75207
(T) 214-819-9733    (TF) 800-532-2562

ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc. - Copyright © 2025 - The Semarca Corporation