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Large Format Removable Cores By: William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, ICML, CMIL, CAI, M.Ed. - "Removable Cores: Large Format" ©2003/2022 by William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, ICML, CMIL, M.Ed. is packed with exploded views, photos, diagrams, pictures, charts, line art, drawings and various graphics, that will aid the reader in understanding and in solving individual RC problems on your job site! Written by an IC Specialist who has been working with cores since 7974, why worry about Sargent, Kaba, Schlage, CorbinRusswin, Medeco or Yale again??? Get this book and have an up-to-date resource at your fingertips. Each chapter is dedicated to a single manufacturer (with Chapter Quizzes) and was created under the auspices of the six major core manufacturers, namely: Yale, CorbinRusswin, Medeco, Schlage, Kaba and Sargent. This was a cooperative milestone, which became a "first" for the competitive lock manufacturers, and coordinated by Bill Lynk! The book was written and then each chapter was submitted to the respective manufacturer for accuracy and comments. But... .. if you are only interested in ONE particular manufacturer for your current job ... excellent!! This book, all 248 pages with Final Exam, is organized [with a superb index] just for you! You can look up what you need to know and then move on ....... allowing for accurate and fast information delivery. This book is a 'must have' and is essential for understanding and properly servicing the popular large format interchangeable core. Copyright 2003 / 2022 ICLS Global Publishing ISBN: 97877338434 7 6

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